Monday, March 14, 2011

But tonight I'm fucking you;

Aku kembali dengan tulisan kecil ini. If aku tak buat font macam ni, belog aku nampak serabut gila ah. And I don't loikeee! Hahaha, so post ke-2 harini. Sebab aku bosan tahap cipanzi la kan sekarang ni. So, memandangkan aku tak jadi pergi tengok Bieber's Concert kan. Guess what? I'm going to Bruno Mars's Concert! Hell yeah man! Oh, aku pergi solo laaa. No need partner laa. Cause I'm single babeh! What the fuck?! -.-' Hahaha gurau jea. Aku pergi dengan kawan aku laa. Sibuk apa kau! Jealous la tu tak dapat ikut. :P Sorry la Jack, takdapat den nak tolong eh. Ticket ni dia yang punya, so sorry la yea. :D

And I'm sorry for those who texted me but didnt get my text back, you wanna know why? Because you're acting like a minah rempit! I don't loikeee, sorry tak layan ah orang macamni. Gentle ah! Get a life okay! :D Jangan kabut sangat la, text 2-4 kali. Rimas tahu? Lepastu nak touching bagai, kau dengan kau punya touching boleh pergi mam! Thank you. Oh it's not about you or you okay. Jangan terasa. It's about a girl who got my number from someone who shouldnt giving out my number! -.-

ps: I realize that I don't need you anymore in my life.(so not true hmm :[ ) Cause you seem like you don't appreciate me at all, like I appreciate you. You can go on with your life. Thank you. :) Oh and you-know-who-you-are, I might be fall in love with you, again. Get ready for it, baby. :') It's my turn to steal your heart, like you did before. :D *hint: S P.

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